desolated wonderland.

"Is this the Lawless Haven?"

The white rabbit looked at her funny,

"What Lawless Haven? That place is no more. This is the Desolated Wonderland."

"But what is the Desolated Wonderland?"

"Well, to put it short..."

The white rabbit spread his furry arms, gesturing to the open land behind him.

"It is a graveyard of many; built upon the remnants of a haven..."

ALICE HAN is a wanderer who manages the Desolated Wonderland on her own. Most of the time gets busy getting rid of the voices inside her head. Would prefer the pronouns she/they. Is an INxP-T. Has been writing for 14 years and counting.

Specializing in jakehoon and kseung. May also hype any hoonreun or jakewin ships, sunwon, and jayseung.
